Thursday, December 20, 2012

Maresey Dotes

Thank goodness for Krystal.
Who else cares that my pillows are scratchy or that I have been banished to the sport's hall of fame.
Nothing beats a 40 minute conversation full of whining, moaning and Google searches for a hair salon that doesn't make you pawn your first born child just to get a decent hair cut.
I am wearing her green hoodie that I bought her for Christmas two years ago....some how it migrated over to my home and I am too selfish to return it.
Long live the 10 days of Christmas.
It's midnight in New York right now...SO I am thinking the world won't be ending.
Good thing because I have a ticket to Disneyland.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas is

Christmas is 
  • Hannaka Bush cookies with bit's of plastic mixed in from the beater I broke.
  • Mom in a million sweaters refusing to leave the house 
  • Daddy's yucky egg nog in the fridge
  • Hiding the good pretzels so Kristopher will eat them all.
  • Mom unhidding the pretzels because she "loves" Kristopher
  •  Rumpy Bum Bums and Bell Races. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Do you ever have that feeling of something wonderful is going to happen?
I have had it all day....
Bubbles and Butterflies in my stomach.
Jittery heart.
It's a magical feeling.
I feel quite magical.
Than again that may be due to logging on to pinterest to look up flower arrangements,
Only to spend the next hour and half watching Harry Potter Behind the scene Youtube videos.....
Here's hoping my wonderful thing comes soon... the jittery heart is starting to hurt....

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I asked for a water purifier pitcher for my birthday.
I can not calculate my period.
I need fresh fries and warm ketchup.
I need seven pillow on my bed and only use one.
I spend 12 dollars on a Halloween tutu...
only to end up wearing Krystal's old lady bug costume we dug up a midnight the night before.
I order kid's meals
I some how switched from ER to Grey's Anatomy... Dr. Bailey has the best faces and I hate Izzy.
I had Pretzels and Ginger Ale for dinner.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


It is exactly 7:15.
My body has had me up since 6 because it thinks I should be going into work.
So I am doing Laundry.
Laundry is a chore I do not mind.
You dump in some soap, push in some clothes and BINGO!
your done until it's dry and repeat 30 minutes later.
I also get a kick out of sorting and folding clothes because I can do that while watching ER.
My problem comes in after everything is clean and sorted.
I have an strange phobia about actually putting my clothes away....
I have two dressers and a closet, yet all my clothes live in either 3 laundry baskets or on my floor.
My mom hates that I keep laundry in her laundry baskets, instead of my 2 big empty dressers.
Most Saturdays she gets sick of it, dumps all my clothes into one laundry baskets and says 
"I'd really appreciate it if you would but your clothes away."
She says it in her best "Mom" voice. 
The one that has an Dolores Umbridge quality to it.
It comes out all sugary and sweet, but there is an edge to her voice that tells you see will make you life miserable you you do not conform to the P.W.P.A.T.L.L.Y.M.S club.
But let's be honest..... I never paid my 1 Sickle and a Knut to join that club.
Long live C.L.I.M.B

People Who Put Away Their Laundry Like Their Mother Said
Clothes Living In Mom's Baskets

Friday, October 12, 2012

you need an 8 week training course for this......

You have never "Disney-ed" until you gone to Disneyland with my mother.
As Krystal would say..... " You need an 8 week training course to prepare" for how WE  Disney.
There are Early Morning Sprints, Huddles, Plans and Tactics.
When you "Disney" with us you will need a vacation to recover from your vacation.
Sounds painful, I know but I love it.
I have been raised to "Disney" this way and it seems unnatural to do it any other way.
I feel like I wasted a day when I meander around.
So Sprint!
Stand There!
Go Here!
Let's juts hope Krystal will speak to me after our vacation.
As for me I am at Dinseyland with a plan.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Photography drives me nuts inside.
I love doing it but lately I also
hate it....
I love surfing up photos on the web
and all I can think is I want to do that!
I want to be a photographer!

I need a class.
trouble is photography school is
expensive and if i get a degree
in art, I worry I won't be able to
support myself and future family.
So here's the ultimate GROWN UP
question: Follow ones heart?
or follow ones head?

Thursday, September 27, 2012


My Blog is turning into an alter of ER :/
I did take a break to watch the Grey's Anatomy Premiere tonight.
I was HIGHLY disappointed!
It was basically worthless and I feel grumpy that
I wasted an hour of my life being dragged along
waiting for answers.....
I did shed a tear for Mcsteamy
and felt physically ill
that Avery marred his hotness with
a wannabe baby Afro.
Then again I may feel physically ill
because i caught a stomach virus.
Bad News:
Had to miss work to spend the day near a bathroom
Good News:
I got to watch lots of ER.

Yes.... If I was smart and wise I would have done lots of HW.

Monday, September 24, 2012

potatoe life

Tomorrow night I can fall asleep watching ER :)
Tonight I will make do with FRIENDS.
I do have a life outside of sitting in front of the TV like a potatoe.
I went to the Gym today wearing my photographer cheese shirt that says " Say PEOPLE!"
How's that for a non-potatoe life!
it really is to late to be blogging.
I must arise in 6 hours,
though if we are being honest...
really I will arise 20 minutes late
and then run around downstairs looking for 
cute work clothes, my hair brush
and trying to remember to brush my teeth.

Goodnight. Hello FRIENDS.
Let's just embrace the potatoe life OK?

Sunday, September 23, 2012


So when I have no ER to watch
I go through my computer 
and find random treasures.
Like people in Love 
and my very handsome
 Ruth however has short locks now
Kam is in South Carolina preaching the word of  God
and Daddy is currently sleeping.
Just some random updates for you all.

sick of hearing about ER?

I am in ER with drawls......
ER Season 2 will not arrive from Amazon until
I have every other season except 2....
Don't ask me how that happened...
I am unsure of it myself.

I have major issues with watching TV shows out of order.
My issue is so bad that if I miss an episode from a currently playing
TV Show, I will simply stop watching the show.
That is how Bones, House, and many
other wonderful TV shows   died in the eyes of Kayla.
I simply cannot watch TV shows out of order.
So here's to hoping TUESDAY
comes quick as a bunny and that I don't end up going insane.
Until then please watch this John Carter clip 
and vow with me to name your future offspring after this fictional character.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Today is September 21st.
I have spent all off yesterday and today
happily thinking  and TELLING people
about how in ONE month 
I will be 21.

Too bad for me,
I don't know my own birthday
and somehow managed to 
forget I was born on
October 25th....
not October 21st.
Thanks Dad for setting me straight.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I am quite sleepy....
I spent a lovely evening with Ruth in which we took un-posed conversation pictures, talked for five ours and did not break the Sabbath because I had water in my trunk.
life is great and grand.


I am going up the canyon to take pictures with Ruth.
If you are luckily,
I will post a picture on here.
Bet you didn't know I took pictures.
I purposely have been not posting any on here.
I am unsure why.
So cross your fingers that you will get to see
the lovely RUTHIE.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I've said it before, but I truly love ER.
I may juts have to name my 1st born son John Carter because of this love.
There should be a National "GO WATCH ER DAY".
A day where no one goes to work,
instead you find a cold pillow, a plate of Peanut Butter cookies and your comfy sweats.
Then you simply lay in bed for hours.
Cry for Mark Green,
Hate on Ramono
Love John Carter
Vow to name you child after Abbey or Susan or Sam.
Realize "House" is basically a copy cat of Weaver
Just watch.
But don't start your ER by watching Kovac in Africa.....
You can however start by realizing how wonderful George Clooney is.
To bad Ross turns out to be a wiener.....

POP QUIZ: anyone understanding this ER mumbo Jumbo?
NO- Go Watch ER
YES- Let's be friends.... and I mean BEST friends :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Turn the Volume DOWN!

anyone has a completely irrational Pet Peeve?
LOUD Sneezing.....
people sneezing over and over.... at the volume of an ELEPHANT!
It makes me instantly annoyed and cranky.
It is completely irrational I know.
I know people can't help it and do not do it on purpose...
but every time some one sneezes over and over loud enough for china to hear them
I want to punch them in the face.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Tonight I put on my "Big Girl" pants,
put down the peanut butter cookies,
sucked it up
and went to FHE....
my reward was a great big smack in the face by a volleyball....
oh well.
That's just a glimpse into the life
of a short
accident prone
I may now need those 2 cookies that sit
so lonely on the cookie sheet.


Peanut Butter cookies.
1 in my lunch
3 eaten after work.
6 still on the sheet....
I am on my period.
I am betting we will end the day
with a big fat total of 0
on the sheet tonight.

Don't judge!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

HW vs Twirly

Saturday is the day you should be able to run free in a meadow of sunflowers, wearing a floaty pink dress and tossing out one dollar bills in total freedom.
Too bad I will be doing HW all the live long day due to things being due today at midnight.
The kind of things that were given out a week ago and I put off for the whole week.....
Also my mother gets all chaotic and twirly on Saturdays.
She is like a one women tornado zooming around the house and anything she comes into contact with will either be cleaned or told what to do.
I often hide out in my room during these chaotic and twirling times.
The problem is this women will find you!
She we hunt you down and make you carry diet Pepsi down to the pantry!
She can smell the fear I tell you! 
I don't mind carrying Pepsi down the stairs....
But the scary thing is five seconds after she give out an assignment she moves on to your next assignment and forgets that the last assignment will take longer then five seconds.
So I will randomly carry, collect, drop and run things in all directions like a chicken with no head.
Actually...I should really say I use to carry, collect, drop and run things in all directions like a chicken with no head.
Now I simply inform her she is too chaotic ans twirly and ask her to please write all directions down on a Post-It note and then I go walk on the treadmill with ER going really loud.

It's not ment to be funny

Today a Man called in from a Halfway House in need of Disability.
(For those of you who don't know.... A Halfway house is where people go when they have been released from Prison but are not yet completely cleared to be out of custody.)
This man was an older gentleman and was very polite.
He said "Yes, Ma'm" "Thank you Maim" to everything with such sincerity, that I could truly feel how much he wanted/need help.
He had all his little papers ready and was so eager to please.
It broke my heart a little bit....
This Man had made some bad choices in his life, but was ready to get his life back together.
I could tell though from his voice he was use to being treated poorly due to his bad choices.
So I broke a rule.
I went personal.
I told him my own Dad had been in a Halfway House for a little while so I knew that it could be tough to get everything all ready to get released.
"Oh Ma'm...really?"
I could hear the tears of gratitude in his voice and it made tears of my own well up in my eyes.
All this man needed was a little help and a lot of understanding.
No judgment.
I remembered when I need the exact same thing from others about four years ago.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


OOO! I didn't even share the highlight of the day! I managed to snap a sneaky picture of "Mark Green". Ruth would be proud.

BO vs. BB

Obama is interfering with my Big Brother watching.... 
I am watching him practically yell at this crowd and women are actually crying with...happiness?!?!?
My "Cannon Genes" are weeping in protest as I sit here proclaiming my total lack of interest in Politics.
Then again... Cannon Genes do not like Democrats so maybe they do not weep.
I remember my Grandfather practically choking with anger a few years ago when I let slip my current Boyfriend was Democrat. I worried I would be help liable for the stroke he was likely to have.
So Cannon Genes are saying BRING ON BIG BROTHER!
Obama.... I neither like nor dislike you...please just wrap it up so I can watch BB and get back to my politically ignorant life.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lets Sum It Up

* All the stupid High School kids made it take 30 minutes just to get my beloved Chicken Sandwich
* I hardly had to PEE at all today!
*"Mark Green" was in a bad mood.....poor guy. It's so hard to get paid a lot of money to teach 7 people how to work a phone and understand company policy.
*My nose is huge. I think all the green smoothies I have been chugging are making it grow instead of making my thighs shrink.
* I want to chop my hair. Can you believe it? I have only been whining about growing my hair out for two years..... 
* I get to finally get out of training tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What if they come downstairs and see me NOT doing it???

I wrote less then an hour ago.
I am avoiding HW if you must know the truth.....
My parents are under the impression that HW is being done by their responsible, adult daughter....
1 Philosophy quiz passed!
1 Communication study guide HALF filled out
1 out of 25 pages of reading read.
...well at least I passed the quiz :)
ok! ok! I'm going.... Because if I don't,  then I will hear about it tomorrow in a text from my mother.


8-5 is a long time to sit in a chair.....
It's a long time to pretend to be interested....
and it's a long time to hold in one's pee.
(I bet you never have read more about a person's bladder functions then you do here.)
My bladder is the size of a pea.
One sip of water and it's like a waterfall needs to escape out the other end.
It was at one of these "waterfall" moments, when I was trying desperately hard not to wet my pants, that I realized my team leader looked exactly like Mark Green.
I was in awe. I was so in awe that I managed to not wet my pants and take notes! ALL at the SAME time!
Miracles really do happen.
I know... I know.
You are thinking
"STOP drinking water!"
But then my mouth gets dry and I sound like Kermit the frog.
No Joke.

Monday, September 3, 2012


My nose feels extra big today....
My father was so kind to pass on his manly nose to me.
Sometimes I worry people can see right up my nose.
Tomorrow is my first day of work.
It's my first full time job that has NOTHING to do with children.
It's the kind of job where you sit at a desk for 8 hours and have grown up conversations with others.
My biggest fear is that I will have to pee a lot.
I will be sitting at my desk and have to pee.
But the grown up people will notice if I leave my desk a lot....
Children don't notice those things because the potty in their pants.
I have a fear of people noticing how much I pee.

Writer's Block

Here I sit on my blue love seat racking my brain on what to write....
when my father returns home from doing some errands.
* Turns to Mom* I brought you a Drink!
*Turns to me* I brought you a Toilet Flapper!!!!
....I think my Father is the only man who could make a *Toilet Flapper sound as exciting as a pet pony.

* Toilet Flapper is the piece of black rubber that plugs up the toilet tank to allow it fill up and not have the toilet run.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I bought a brand new dress.
I straightened my hair.
I had a plan.
I was going to make a good impression at my new YSA ward.
Instead Church is going onward while I;m still in bed drinking OJ until I pee.
I hate colds.
It could be worse.... 
Kristopher has Strep and his wife abandoned him for God.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Fix You

I no longer will live in the City.
I am going home.
Home is:
 Where I can watch FRIENDS with Dad on Saturday nights.
Where I bring Mom lunch @ 11:15
Where I can drive to Krystal's house in 5 minutes not 45.
Where I can now actually go see Ruth sing @ an open mic-night
Where my "Big Girl" bed is in the basement making the need for a noisy window cooler obsolete.
Where I can going walking with out needing 3 keys, a cell phone and my wallet.

The City was great. It was Fun.
But I am glad to go home.
It feels right :)
Like this song feels right.

Now for the big question?
Change the Blog name?
and to what?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Empty Nest: Party of 1

My parent are MIA.
I drove down to Orem and they are no where to be found.
After calling them each 25 million times, I was on the brink of leaving very nasty "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU???" phone messages when I remembered that it might have been mentiond that tonight Dad is fishing and Mom is at back to school night...hmm. I will give them until 9 PM.
Then nasty yet loving messages will be given.
Please send these two empty nesters home if you see them.
And remind them that Chicken Strips and Ranch are always a great " I am not dead/ glad you are home" Dinner :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Potty Mouth

Sometimes I worry about humanity......
Like when at the City Library a mom brings her little girl into the the bathroom and says " Does your Hunchy need to go pee pee?"

Why do parents nickname private parts??? And why must we even ask if specific parts need to pee?
Can't we just say " Hey Kid! Need to go?"
Then again... today I asked Penny if she needed to use the restroom and she promptly answer that she didn't want to take a nap yet.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dear Readers

Dear Olympics,
Please come back with your good looking athletes, dreamy shots of London and  magical power to instantly lift my mood. I miss checking divers for a "vertical entry", figuring out how many laps 1500 meters is and holding my breath while girls do triple flipper spinny tricks on narrow pieces of gym equipment. How am I suppose to survive the next four years?

Dear Smith Cookies,
I crave you! I need you! Yet I am unwilling to pay $4 for a dozen of you. So I simply revisited the sample box 10-20 times with in five minutes. Poor college kids have no shame.

Dear People Who Make Jane Austen Movies,
I would like to request a new version of EMMA. Gweneth Paltrow is NOT a good choice. Also where might I find a Mr. Dracy?

Dear FYI,
One week every month I have a greater urge then normal to watch every cheesy sappy romantic comedy/drama DVD I can get my hands on. Also I find random, slightly annoying, actors in these films to be quite good looking. This monthly week is Ashton Kutcher ( A Lot Like Love) and Andrew Garfield ( Social Network/ Spiderman).

Friday, August 10, 2012

I do belive in Faries.

It's that magical TGIF morning where you get up at 6 for no good reason. I still have a sleep hangover going on, so I can't do anything productive like shower, read or go pee. I can however lay in bed with my laptop and scroll through facebook.
 BTW did you know there is apparently a Student Loan Fairy? I just so happened to be checking through my student loan history from last year and it magically says that I have "Paid to Date" every bit of my loan except 7 dollars.... Once my sleep hangover clears up I may be able to be rational and realize that since I have yet to pay anything back on my loan, it is most likely not all "Paid to Date" except for 7 dollars becuase stuff like that only happens to blonde people in movies.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I rented Sense and Sensibility from the City Library yesterday. I got the one with Alan Rickman playing Captain Brandon..... at age 50. Now Alan Rickman looks nothing like 50 in this movie but the fact is this man IS 50! My normal "Ick "factor however did not last long and I was captivated by the movie. I always feel the need to talk like a Jane Austen character after I watch these sorts of films. I was so captivated by this stimulating presentation that I went on the indulge myself in a midnight viewing of Pride and Prejudice. I think I may just watch these two captivating films over and over until I die with happiness.
Just Remember Keep Calm, Avoid Willoughbys, and Find your Mr. Darcy or Captain Brandon. Whatever floats your boat!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's a Goal.

Dear Trax Conductors,
You must magically know that 4-6pm in the great city is so busy and crowded that a person could die and no one would notice. They would simply be shoved along in the great stampied of jaywalkers, screaming babies and pissed off people. Thank you for holding the train up while I waited for the mythical walking sign. You must of been able to see the desperation on  my face as I considered bolting into traffic to make the train. I must have momentarily lost the few rational brain cells that would have reminded me that a new train comes every 15 minutes so bolting into traffic was not a top priority. It was however very kind of you to wait and if I knew your name and number I would send you a box of cookies or maybe a bouquet of newly sharpen pencils or maybe a copy of You've Got Mail so that you could fully appreciate the newly sharpen pencils.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Poop is a big part of my job.
It is a awfully good thing that babies are cute.
Today was a blow out day.
Sicky orange poop all over.
I used around 100 wipes.
But to no avail.
Poop got everywhere.
Ben was even so kind as to wipe it on my arm.
My father is shuddereing as he reads this.
He hates baby poop.

After work I managed to make it to the City Library to pick up summer camp books on butterflies.
Every thing was nice and dandy until I relaized I had four minutes to check out and race to my car before the Libaray would then charge me 1.50 to be parked in their garage.
Everything would have been find and dandy still except that I decided the best way to hurry the old elevator doors was to push on them was the opened.
There I was with half open doors, in sight of the ticket machine and I was stuck....
10 minutes later a kind sir let me out and I payed my stupid 1.50.

I will now read Cheaper by the Dozen, eat yogurt bites thata re ment for babies and try not to be bitter about the second bag of bites I could have had if I had never pushe don those stupid doors.

Maybe they give their Families Back

Nothing is better then a weekend at home with my parents.
We tend to do hardly anything that would be considered "exciting" to the outside world.
We Simply hangout.
We watch Olympics, Stay in out PJs until noon on Sundays and talk for hours.
My Dad and I are quite big talkers.
(If it was Olympic sport I would be sitting in London right now having tea with Kate and William)
My mom is the listener who nods and say says " Yes....Sure... How Fun....Really?" as we chatter on like chipmunks.
See this post is nothing close to excting.
All I can say is I hope everyone else has a place to call "Home" like I do. A place where you can wear PJs and have frizzy hiar while eating Peanut Butter balls and watching the Olmpics. Simply a place where oyu are loved, teased and blessed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have 15 minutes to brush my teeth, gather up my Summer Camp bucket and get my butt out the door.... yet I am on Blogger.
It is a special occasion because this morning following a terrible night of stomache pain and no sleep, my lovely old bathroom door fell right of it hinges practically knocking me out cold.
So I got the creep into my roommate's bathroom, take an ice cold shower and then sneak back into my room. Now I will go hide Ginger Ale in my water bottle so that I might secretly sip at during summer camp.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I think you forgot I am wallowing.

It all started when I woke up at 6:30 AM unable to sleep.
I was falling asleep in sacrament.....
I needed a nap.
I could not nap.
My eyes and mind were not cooperating.
So the result of no nap, yet a a tired body, is...wallowing.....
Wallowing is when you lay on your bed with the fan 3 inches from your face.
You were your PJs even though it's the middle of the afternoon.
You watch sapping show which make you lonely.
You text your friend who basically thinks you are crazy.
Basically, you end up missing your mommy as you lay in your sweaty PJs with a head ache that makes you think you are to weak to even change played Gilmore Girls DVD for the next one.
Really you are just wallowing.
Smart people would get up, go to ward prayer and make a healthy late dinner.
I however will lay here wishing for chicken and ranch while I do a very good impression of a dead baby elephant.
Me too.
I'm wallowing.
That is all.

Hells kitchen is full of lazy people, fruit snacks and melted chocolate......

Do you ever have the craving for Peanut Butter Cookies, but since you are to lazy to wash the all dishes it would involve, you simply eat a fruit snack?
...ya I never do that either.....
Fruit snacks are the new dessert for poor and lazy college people.
Problem is, after eating your 50th package, you never want to see a piece of sticky, artificially flavored  gummy substance again.
I do have my emergency chocolate bar in the freezer..... but it is like Hell's kitchen as taken up residence in my apartment. I greatly fear the moment I pull out my chocolate it will melt into a puddle at my feet. That would be practically a felony in the world of Chocolate, so in the freezer my beloved Symphony bars awaits. It's really to bad that I ate my left over Rocky Road ice cream for breakfast.
Believe it or not I do know how to make and eat healthy food......
I had a nice meal of pork chop, roll and apple for "Lunner" today.  But that meal is what bought me to my craving for PB cookies..... So curse you healthy foods! I am going to take a nap....
 If you don't hear from me soon.... chances are I melted.
Happy Sunday.  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Once upon a time a girl was FBS-ing"

Do you ever wonder how many love stories will now begin with
" Well one day when I was Facebook stalking...."
We all FBS. We all have the urge to know who that guy is that my Friend thinks is so hot. What the girl from kindergarten is doing with her life now. What my best friends, ex boyfriend's second cousin wore to the prom and who in the world in this cute guy I am mysteriously FB friends with.
The problem is, if you are FBS a cute guy, it most likely means you hardly know the guy.
So you can FBS all you want, but really how are you ever going to approach the guy?"
"I know we have only rubbed shoulders that one time back in 2008 when I had braces and frizzy hair and i was wearing that really ugly red sweater,but.... Please ask me on a date?"
"You know Krista? HEY! I know Krista! Well, you know what they say when you share one FB friend in common..... Romantic Date Night!

If  my life was a chick flick, this guy would message me or we would run into one another in the super market or I would get cancer and he would give me his kidney.....something like that.  then everything would be magical.

But life's no chick flick. So we all will FBS, eat some sort of mac & cheese and then go to bed.
In the morning we will be caught up in getting the shower to actually pour warm water on our head and forget about our Facebook Stalkings of the yersterdays.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I really do know how to take care of myself.....

Well..... I'm back in orem.
It seems like no matter how ahrd I try I can not seem to stay away from this dear place for more than a week! This week's reason for driving down is... a cracked tooth :(  Hopefully the dentist can fit me in tomorrow and then I will be on my way back to good old SLC.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Left Handed Cooking Questions

I have called my parents at least five times (if not more) in the last hour......
I am attempting to make meatloaf for Sunday dinner.
Call #1: I needed to get the meat loaf recipe. I had about only a 1/3 of the ingredients I would need......
Call #2 : I needed advice/opinions on my idea for "Poor Kayla" meatloaf.
Call #3: I needed to get the sauce recipe AGAIN!
Call #4: I needed to know how long to cook it.
Call #5: I forgot the oven temp....

In-between these calls I believe there may have been another 3 or 4 calls to discuss my cracked tooth, how NOT to cook corn on the cob, how church went ( sorry mom no cute boys talked to me!), and plans for Tracy Aviary tomorrow.
Thank goodness for parents and free minutes on Verizon :)

In case you are wondering.....

HOW TO COOK CORN ON THE COB (The right way!)
* shuck/husk/peel corn and rinse dirt off corn
* Boil water.
* DO NOT put corn in water until it is boiling!
* Once water is boiling place corn in.
* boil for 3 minutes EXCATLY!
Yummy corn :)

Poor Kayla Meatloaf.
* 1 lb. ground beef
* 1/2 C Ketchup
* 4 T. Honey Mustard ( regular Mustard is fine too! I only had honey mustard.....)
* 6 T. Brown Sugar
* Salt/Pepper
* Italian Seasoning
- Mix ground beef with 1/4 c. ketchup, 2T. Honey Mustard,3 T. Brown Sugar , salt, pepper and spices.
**** If you do not have Italian seasoning you can put in some sage or thyme or oregano or any spices that look good :)

- Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray.
-Fill muffin tin with meatloaf mix.
- Mix 1/4 c. Ketchup, 2T honey mustard and 3T brown sugar in small bowl.
-Drizzle sauce over the top of meat loafs.
- You will have sauce left over.
- Bake meat loafs at 350 degrees for ...... 30h minutes?
***** If you have a bread tin (un like me.....) the perfect way to cook this is at 350 for an hour.

Timer just DINGED! Lots of grease cooked out..... taste it..... WOW! YUMMY!
So yes,30 minutes is the perfect time.
I may just call one more time to let them know of my success ;)

I am now going to watch a special episode of friends ( The One with Chandler in a Box) and eat my meatloaf. Know why I'm watching that episode?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why you so Ugly today?

Best Friends are the people who give you their password to Hulu Plus so that you can watch Grey's Anatomy.
They understand your need for chicken and ranch @ 2 AM.
They will fight with you through musical numbers.
and most of all they love you through the good and the ugly.
......especially the ugly.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekend Room..... also post may talk about periods. So "men" you have been warned.

I am starting to wonder if it is possible to rent out an apartment room just for the weekend. It seems like every weekend something comes up to "drag" me back to Orem. Photoshoots, Mother's Day, Photoshoots, Car checkups, Photoshoots and shopping trips to buy pillows.....
Mean while me room stays empty during the weekend. Any takers? Only slightly messy and the living room couch may be more comfy then the actual bed..... but it comes with a nice little white fan!

Mean while I have survived my first Apartment Life Period. This means I have survived the firstday of my period WITHOUT my large blue tub, a heat pad or even an ice pack. For those who know me this is is a HUGE deal. I did though pop Midol like it was candy every 6 hours. Baby steps steps.

It is 10 pm and I miss my parents. My mom is at work so I texted her because I knew she would not answer right away, I knew if I texted my Daddy he would either text me or call me with a touching message which would make me cry and want to go home to watch FRIENDS with him. I didn't want to I texted my mommy. I really do miss those two. I also miss my basement room with it's cold pillows and non-creepy windows.

I love Chandler and Joey. They belong together as room-mates..... I only like to watch the first 4 seasons of FRIENDS because after that Chandler hooks up with Monica and the Chandler/Joey apartment era comes to a painfully sad end.

Some one should comment on some post of mine. Just saying,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day.

I have an AMAZING mom :)
One of the biggest things I have come to be so thankful and appreciative for is how much she sacrifices for me. It is pretty normal for parents to help out their children financially when they are getting started in the real world. Not that they pay for everything, but that they help you out in a tight pinch. Like your car breaking down, needing a new Microwave or even letting you "steal" toilet paper for your apartment :) I love that my mom is so kind to do this for me, especially since she works two jobs. She sacrifices so much so that she can help me out when I need her.
Now that I live on my own and have to pay multiple bills, I realize how big a sacrificee this is. Bills have to be paid and a lot of times there is not much left over. I get excited now when I have a few extra bucks to go out to dinner or to a show. I can only imagine how much love and sacrifice it takes to put those few extra "fun" bucks away for your children, instead of yourself. It's a hard sacrifice fueled by love that I never completely understood until now. I hope when I am a mom, I can be just as loving and hard working as my mom :)

I came back to Orem this weekend for Mother's Day. I came down Friday instead of Saturday so that I had an extra day to see some friends. As much as I loved hanging out with my friends...... I am sitting here thinking about my mom and wishing I had spent the night at home. It's 4 AM and I am now waiting for my Dad to go to work at 6 so that I can go crawl into bed with my Mom. No matter what anyone says, you are never to old to crawl into bed with your mom. 

I Love You Mom!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Locked in

All I wanted to do is collapse into bed, eat some unhealthy food, and watch One Tree Hill until I fell into a fit full sleep that only a snickers and blaring TV can bring to you.
Unfortunately I really needed a shower after chasing small children around for 7 hours and my laundry needed some major washing since the basket over flowed.
So showered I did and then off I went to the shared laundry room. (It is a room smack between my apartment and apartment "A". ) Well in I went and a nice load of white laundry was began. As I picked up my basket and soap, I happily began to picture the episode on OTH all set to play and the nice fluffy pillows stacked up perfectly on my bed. To bad for my the laundry door was locked.....
Since it is a shared Laundry room each apartments laundry door locks to stop people from the other apartment from entering.   can you say PANIC!?
I began to pull on the door like it would magically open. I tried Apartment A's door hoping they were idiots who welcomed in strangers from the laundry room. No luck.
I began to pound on my nice "1960's solid cement/ a bomb could go off in here and you would never hear it" walls. I wasn't even sure if any roommates were home.
I had no phone.
I was trapped.
I spent the next 15 minutes in hysterics, pounding on walls and screaming. When that was clearly not working I got desperate. I climbed on top of the dryer and began to fiddle with the fire alarm. My hope was a blaring fire alarm might be heared by some one. Luckily for me right as I was about to let it loose, Angela opened the door and saved me.
I walked out, layed down right in the middle of the hallway and vowed I would buy new clothes when my old ones got dirty from now on.
Luck me even got a souvenir to take back to my room with me! One nice red, swollen, mostly likely bruised and sprained hand from my hysterical pounding.
Oh you have to love apartment life. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Skipping Steps, Red Potatoes..... and I may use the word condom..

Where heaving a brand new microwave up my front steps I hate them.
But when it is sunny, warm and bright outside, they are the perfect steps to go skipping down.
In my little dress and leggings I wore to pre-school ( to teach!) I am sure I looked like a grade schooler, but skip away I did. I was on the way to my little corner market where they sell red potatoes for 45 cents a pound. Roasted Red potatoes are a personal favorite of mine so this price is extra amazing to me. I also enjoy the little old ladies who run the shop. They are the type of ladies who look all sweet, but keep condoms behind the counter so that "young men" have to ask for them. It gives them quite a laugh. I was...uh  "privileged" to witness this little exchange in the market today. I however got more pleasure out of my 2 lbs of red potatoes and a lemon for $1.15, then I did from the condom buying show. Right now I'm sure my mother is torn between laughing and being shocked that I'm taking about Condom buying.