Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Once upon a time a girl was FBS-ing"

Do you ever wonder how many love stories will now begin with
" Well one day when I was Facebook stalking...."
We all FBS. We all have the urge to know who that guy is that my Friend thinks is so hot. What the girl from kindergarten is doing with her life now. What my best friends, ex boyfriend's second cousin wore to the prom and who in the world in this cute guy I am mysteriously FB friends with.
The problem is, if you are FBS a cute guy, it most likely means you hardly know the guy.
So you can FBS all you want, but really how are you ever going to approach the guy?"
"I know we have only rubbed shoulders that one time back in 2008 when I had braces and frizzy hair and i was wearing that really ugly red sweater,but.... Please ask me on a date?"
"You know Krista? HEY! I know Krista! Well, you know what they say when you share one FB friend in common..... Romantic Date Night!

If  my life was a chick flick, this guy would message me or we would run into one another in the super market or I would get cancer and he would give me his kidney.....something like that.  then everything would be magical.

But life's no chick flick. So we all will FBS, eat some sort of mac & cheese and then go to bed.
In the morning we will be caught up in getting the shower to actually pour warm water on our head and forget about our Facebook Stalkings of the yersterdays.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I really do know how to take care of myself.....

Well..... I'm back in orem.
It seems like no matter how ahrd I try I can not seem to stay away from this dear place for more than a week! This week's reason for driving down is... a cracked tooth :(  Hopefully the dentist can fit me in tomorrow and then I will be on my way back to good old SLC.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Left Handed Cooking Questions

I have called my parents at least five times (if not more) in the last hour......
I am attempting to make meatloaf for Sunday dinner.
Call #1: I needed to get the meat loaf recipe. I had about only a 1/3 of the ingredients I would need......
Call #2 : I needed advice/opinions on my idea for "Poor Kayla" meatloaf.
Call #3: I needed to get the sauce recipe AGAIN!
Call #4: I needed to know how long to cook it.
Call #5: I forgot the oven temp....

In-between these calls I believe there may have been another 3 or 4 calls to discuss my cracked tooth, how NOT to cook corn on the cob, how church went ( sorry mom no cute boys talked to me!), and plans for Tracy Aviary tomorrow.
Thank goodness for parents and free minutes on Verizon :)

In case you are wondering.....

HOW TO COOK CORN ON THE COB (The right way!)
* shuck/husk/peel corn and rinse dirt off corn
* Boil water.
* DO NOT put corn in water until it is boiling!
* Once water is boiling place corn in.
* boil for 3 minutes EXCATLY!
Yummy corn :)

Poor Kayla Meatloaf.
* 1 lb. ground beef
* 1/2 C Ketchup
* 4 T. Honey Mustard ( regular Mustard is fine too! I only had honey mustard.....)
* 6 T. Brown Sugar
* Salt/Pepper
* Italian Seasoning
- Mix ground beef with 1/4 c. ketchup, 2T. Honey Mustard,3 T. Brown Sugar , salt, pepper and spices.
**** If you do not have Italian seasoning you can put in some sage or thyme or oregano or any spices that look good :)

- Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray.
-Fill muffin tin with meatloaf mix.
- Mix 1/4 c. Ketchup, 2T honey mustard and 3T brown sugar in small bowl.
-Drizzle sauce over the top of meat loafs.
- You will have sauce left over.
- Bake meat loafs at 350 degrees for ...... 30h minutes?
***** If you have a bread tin (un like me.....) the perfect way to cook this is at 350 for an hour.

Timer just DINGED! Lots of grease cooked out..... taste it..... WOW! YUMMY!
So yes,30 minutes is the perfect time.
I may just call one more time to let them know of my success ;)

I am now going to watch a special episode of friends ( The One with Chandler in a Box) and eat my meatloaf. Know why I'm watching that episode?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why you so Ugly today?

Best Friends are the people who give you their password to Hulu Plus so that you can watch Grey's Anatomy.
They understand your need for chicken and ranch @ 2 AM.
They will fight with you through musical numbers.
and most of all they love you through the good and the ugly.
......especially the ugly.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekend Room..... also post may talk about periods. So "men" you have been warned.

I am starting to wonder if it is possible to rent out an apartment room just for the weekend. It seems like every weekend something comes up to "drag" me back to Orem. Photoshoots, Mother's Day, Photoshoots, Car checkups, Photoshoots and shopping trips to buy pillows.....
Mean while me room stays empty during the weekend. Any takers? Only slightly messy and the living room couch may be more comfy then the actual bed..... but it comes with a nice little white fan!

Mean while I have survived my first Apartment Life Period. This means I have survived the firstday of my period WITHOUT my large blue tub, a heat pad or even an ice pack. For those who know me this is is a HUGE deal. I did though pop Midol like it was candy every 6 hours. Baby steps steps.

It is 10 pm and I miss my parents. My mom is at work so I texted her because I knew she would not answer right away, I knew if I texted my Daddy he would either text me or call me with a touching message which would make me cry and want to go home to watch FRIENDS with him. I didn't want to I texted my mommy. I really do miss those two. I also miss my basement room with it's cold pillows and non-creepy windows.

I love Chandler and Joey. They belong together as room-mates..... I only like to watch the first 4 seasons of FRIENDS because after that Chandler hooks up with Monica and the Chandler/Joey apartment era comes to a painfully sad end.

Some one should comment on some post of mine. Just saying,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day.

I have an AMAZING mom :)
One of the biggest things I have come to be so thankful and appreciative for is how much she sacrifices for me. It is pretty normal for parents to help out their children financially when they are getting started in the real world. Not that they pay for everything, but that they help you out in a tight pinch. Like your car breaking down, needing a new Microwave or even letting you "steal" toilet paper for your apartment :) I love that my mom is so kind to do this for me, especially since she works two jobs. She sacrifices so much so that she can help me out when I need her.
Now that I live on my own and have to pay multiple bills, I realize how big a sacrificee this is. Bills have to be paid and a lot of times there is not much left over. I get excited now when I have a few extra bucks to go out to dinner or to a show. I can only imagine how much love and sacrifice it takes to put those few extra "fun" bucks away for your children, instead of yourself. It's a hard sacrifice fueled by love that I never completely understood until now. I hope when I am a mom, I can be just as loving and hard working as my mom :)

I came back to Orem this weekend for Mother's Day. I came down Friday instead of Saturday so that I had an extra day to see some friends. As much as I loved hanging out with my friends...... I am sitting here thinking about my mom and wishing I had spent the night at home. It's 4 AM and I am now waiting for my Dad to go to work at 6 so that I can go crawl into bed with my Mom. No matter what anyone says, you are never to old to crawl into bed with your mom. 

I Love You Mom!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Locked in

All I wanted to do is collapse into bed, eat some unhealthy food, and watch One Tree Hill until I fell into a fit full sleep that only a snickers and blaring TV can bring to you.
Unfortunately I really needed a shower after chasing small children around for 7 hours and my laundry needed some major washing since the basket over flowed.
So showered I did and then off I went to the shared laundry room. (It is a room smack between my apartment and apartment "A". ) Well in I went and a nice load of white laundry was began. As I picked up my basket and soap, I happily began to picture the episode on OTH all set to play and the nice fluffy pillows stacked up perfectly on my bed. To bad for my the laundry door was locked.....
Since it is a shared Laundry room each apartments laundry door locks to stop people from the other apartment from entering.   can you say PANIC!?
I began to pull on the door like it would magically open. I tried Apartment A's door hoping they were idiots who welcomed in strangers from the laundry room. No luck.
I began to pound on my nice "1960's solid cement/ a bomb could go off in here and you would never hear it" walls. I wasn't even sure if any roommates were home.
I had no phone.
I was trapped.
I spent the next 15 minutes in hysterics, pounding on walls and screaming. When that was clearly not working I got desperate. I climbed on top of the dryer and began to fiddle with the fire alarm. My hope was a blaring fire alarm might be heared by some one. Luckily for me right as I was about to let it loose, Angela opened the door and saved me.
I walked out, layed down right in the middle of the hallway and vowed I would buy new clothes when my old ones got dirty from now on.
Luck me even got a souvenir to take back to my room with me! One nice red, swollen, mostly likely bruised and sprained hand from my hysterical pounding.
Oh you have to love apartment life. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Skipping Steps, Red Potatoes..... and I may use the word condom..

Where heaving a brand new microwave up my front steps I hate them.
But when it is sunny, warm and bright outside, they are the perfect steps to go skipping down.
In my little dress and leggings I wore to pre-school ( to teach!) I am sure I looked like a grade schooler, but skip away I did. I was on the way to my little corner market where they sell red potatoes for 45 cents a pound. Roasted Red potatoes are a personal favorite of mine so this price is extra amazing to me. I also enjoy the little old ladies who run the shop. They are the type of ladies who look all sweet, but keep condoms behind the counter so that "young men" have to ask for them. It gives them quite a laugh. I was...uh  "privileged" to witness this little exchange in the market today. I however got more pleasure out of my 2 lbs of red potatoes and a lemon for $1.15, then I did from the condom buying show. Right now I'm sure my mother is torn between laughing and being shocked that I'm taking about Condom buying.