Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekend Room..... also post may talk about periods. So "men" you have been warned.

I am starting to wonder if it is possible to rent out an apartment room just for the weekend. It seems like every weekend something comes up to "drag" me back to Orem. Photoshoots, Mother's Day, Photoshoots, Car checkups, Photoshoots and shopping trips to buy pillows.....
Mean while me room stays empty during the weekend. Any takers? Only slightly messy and the living room couch may be more comfy then the actual bed..... but it comes with a nice little white fan!

Mean while I have survived my first Apartment Life Period. This means I have survived the firstday of my period WITHOUT my large blue tub, a heat pad or even an ice pack. For those who know me this is is a HUGE deal. I did though pop Midol like it was candy every 6 hours. Baby steps steps.

It is 10 pm and I miss my parents. My mom is at work so I texted her because I knew she would not answer right away, I knew if I texted my Daddy he would either text me or call me with a touching message which would make me cry and want to go home to watch FRIENDS with him. I didn't want to I texted my mommy. I really do miss those two. I also miss my basement room with it's cold pillows and non-creepy windows.

I love Chandler and Joey. They belong together as room-mates..... I only like to watch the first 4 seasons of FRIENDS because after that Chandler hooks up with Monica and the Chandler/Joey apartment era comes to a painfully sad end.

Some one should comment on some post of mine. Just saying,


  1. I thoroughly enjoy reading everything you write, so please do not stop.
    Love, Katie
