Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Once upon a time a girl was FBS-ing"

Do you ever wonder how many love stories will now begin with
" Well one day when I was Facebook stalking...."
We all FBS. We all have the urge to know who that guy is that my Friend thinks is so hot. What the girl from kindergarten is doing with her life now. What my best friends, ex boyfriend's second cousin wore to the prom and who in the world in this cute guy I am mysteriously FB friends with.
The problem is, if you are FBS a cute guy, it most likely means you hardly know the guy.
So you can FBS all you want, but really how are you ever going to approach the guy?"
"I know we have only rubbed shoulders that one time back in 2008 when I had braces and frizzy hair and i was wearing that really ugly red sweater,but.... Please ask me on a date?"
"You know Krista? HEY! I know Krista! Well, you know what they say when you share one FB friend in common..... Romantic Date Night!

If  my life was a chick flick, this guy would message me or we would run into one another in the super market or I would get cancer and he would give me his kidney.....something like that.  then everything would be magical.

But life's no chick flick. So we all will FBS, eat some sort of mac & cheese and then go to bed.
In the morning we will be caught up in getting the shower to actually pour warm water on our head and forget about our Facebook Stalkings of the yersterdays.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love the part about the kidney. Very well played. You never disappoint.
