All I wanted to do is collapse into bed, eat some unhealthy food, and watch One Tree Hill until I fell into a fit full sleep that only a snickers and blaring TV can bring to you.
Unfortunately I really needed a shower after chasing small children around for 7 hours and my laundry needed some major washing since the basket over flowed.
So showered I did and then off I went to the shared laundry room. (It is a room smack between my apartment and apartment "A". ) Well in I went and a nice load of white laundry was began. As I picked up my basket and soap, I happily began to picture the episode on OTH all set to play and the nice fluffy pillows stacked up perfectly on my bed. To bad for my the laundry door was locked.....
Since it is a shared Laundry room each apartments laundry door locks to stop people from the other apartment from entering. can you say PANIC!?
I began to pull on the door like it would magically open. I tried Apartment A's door hoping they were idiots who welcomed in strangers from the laundry room. No luck.
I began to pound on my nice "1960's solid cement/ a bomb could go off in here and you would never hear it" walls. I wasn't even sure if any roommates were home.
I had no phone.
I was trapped.
I spent the next 15 minutes in hysterics, pounding on walls and screaming. When that was clearly not working I got desperate. I climbed on top of the dryer and began to fiddle with the fire alarm. My hope was a blaring fire alarm might be heared by some one. Luckily for me right as I was about to let it loose, Angela opened the door and saved me.
I walked out, layed down right in the middle of the hallway and vowed I would buy new clothes when my old ones got dirty from now on.
Luck me even got a souvenir to take back to my room with me! One nice red, swollen, mostly likely bruised and sprained hand from my hysterical pounding.
Oh you have to love apartment life.
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