Saturday is the day you should be able to run free in a meadow of sunflowers, wearing a floaty pink dress and tossing out one dollar bills in total freedom.
Too bad I will be doing HW all the live long day due to things being due today at midnight.
The kind of things that were given out a week ago and I put off for the whole week.....
Also my mother gets all chaotic and twirly on Saturdays.
She is like a one women tornado zooming around the house and anything she comes into contact with will either be cleaned or told what to do.
I often hide out in my room during these chaotic and twirling times.
The problem is this women will find you!
She we hunt you down and make you carry diet Pepsi down to the pantry!
She can smell the fear I tell you!
I don't mind carrying Pepsi down the stairs....
But the scary thing is five seconds after she give out an assignment she moves on to your next assignment and forgets that the last assignment will take longer then five seconds.
So I will randomly carry, collect, drop and run things in all directions like a chicken with no head.
Actually...I should really say I use to carry, collect, drop and run things in all directions like a chicken with no head.
Now I simply inform her she is too chaotic ans twirly and ask her to please write all directions down on a Post-It note and then I go walk on the treadmill with ER going really loud.